Book Club or Buddy Read?

What is the difference between a book club and a buddy read? Have you been a part of a book club or a buddy read?

Most of you are probably familiar with book clubs, so we can start with book clubs. A book club is typically more of a monthly event where you pick a book, then the group sets a date and time to discuss. Normally these are reoccurring events.

When I think of book clubs, I think of an excuse to sit around with your best friends and maybe enjoy a glass of wine or a charcuterie board.

2020 - the year of the pandemic - changed book clubs. The inability to meet in person pushed groups to figure out how to transition to virtual events. Virtual book clubs allow for greater inclusivity too! I am in one book club and we meet the second Thursday of every month.

So now - the question I still haven’t answered- what is a Buddy Read? Honestly, a buddy read can be whatever works best for you. You can read with one other person, two or ten.

After a book is determined it is helpful to set expectations for the group - how much do you read in a day (40 pages, 60 pages, etc.)?Then you set a stopping point. Typically once everyone arrives at the stopping point, you have a discussion on what you have read.

Since you may arrive at the stopping point before everyone in the group, I find that having a second book on hand is helpful. I never get ahead of the group.

I have finished a buddy read in 4 days and one in 10. Normally it depends on the chosen book and the group. A buddy read allows for more serious discussions.

Below is an example of a buddy read template.

Buddy Read Template

Buddy Read Template

I like to set chapter stopping points. I think it is easier, especially if different people in the group are reading different versions (kindle, hardcover, paperback, etc.).

It is important to note a stopping point is where you should stop. The conversations work better if everyone is at the same point. If one person reads the chapter they should have stopped at, they run the risk of releasing spoilers to the group. As long as everyone has the same understanding.

Below is an example of the Buddy Read template I used for The Vanishing Half.

The Vanishing Half - 7 day Buddy Read Template

The Vanishing Half - 7 day Buddy Read Template

Interested in hosting or being a part of a buddy read? Have other comments? Send me a message on social media or drop a comment below.


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